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Mushroom Vegetarian Sauce

Mushroom Vegetarian Sauce

Made In: Thailand Capacity: 250 ml  Quantity Per A Package: 12 Kosher:  Chatam Sofer Bnei Brak

Hoi stir sauce is based around similar ingredients to those of oyster sauce (soy sauce, sobeans, sugar and salt), but the oyster extract is substituted for by shitake mushroom extract. Oyster sauce, one of the most important sauces in Chinese cuisine, is problematic for vegetarians, vegans and those who only eat kosher food, but it can be substituted for by an excellent sauce that stands on its own rather than just being an imitation. This sauce has a brown color and a salty-umami-sweet flavor, and it works well with stir-fried dishes – on its own or with additional sauces – as a vegetarian substitute in recipes requiring oyster sauce.